SHMA & Associates

Legal Drafting

“All businesses must have contracts in place for every deal they enter into, both internally (with employees, for example) and externally (with vendors and business partners).”


Legal agreements are binding documents which when properly drawn and signed become enforceable as a matter of law. For instance, a sales contract or purchase agreement – you agree to purchase the property and the other party agrees to sale the property. Both the buyer and seller have certain rights, and duties under the contract.

Legal document is any written instrument that defines, declares, limits, or expands the legal rights or privileges of a person or entity. For example, a Last Will and Testament is a written instrument in which you declare that the person or persons that you designate are entitled to receive certain property upon your death.

If you are looking for help with legal documents such as legal notice for cheque bounce get on touch with us. We provide various types of Online Legal Documentation Services.

Legal Notice

A formal communication to a person or entity informing him that you intend to undertake legal proceedings against him.

Franchise Agreement

An agreement wherein the franchisor agrees to lend the trade name or business system to another person or entity (the franchisee).

Assignment Deed​

An agreement wherein the assignor agrees to lend the trade name or business system to another person or entity (the assignee).

Gift Deed​

The lawful owner of a property can transfer it to another party without any monetary consideration through a gift deed.

Sale Deed​

The agreement between you and the other party should cover comprehensively the terms on which the sale will take place and the date on which the sale will be completed.

Trademark Agreement​

The agreement between you and the other party should cover comprehensively the terms on which the sale will take place and the date on which the sale will be completed.